Billiards or Pool?

  • Origin: Billiards evolved from an outdoor game similar to croquet in the 15th century. When it moved indoors, green tables were used to simulate grass. Originally, players used a mace with a large tip to drive the balls instead of a stick. The game expanded over time to include pocketed tables and shot-calling for points, gaining popularity in America during the 1920s. 
  • Etymology: The term “billiards” comes from the French words “billart” (meaning “wooden stick”) and “bille” (meaning “ball”). 
  • Definition: Billiards can refer to any tabletop game played with a cue stick and cue ball. It encompasses various forms, including English Billiards (played with three balls and no pockets) in the UK. 
  • Association with Betting: Billiards tables were commonly found in gambling parlors, where horse racing wagers or other bets were placed. The term “pool” became associated with pocket billiards due to the collection of wagers.

  • Origin: Pool developed from billiards and is played on a table with six pockets
  • Characteristics: Pool tables have pockets, and players aim to sink balls into these pockets using a cue stick and cue ball. 
  • Distinction: While billiards can refer to any tabletop game with a cue stick, pool specifically implies a game with pockets. 
  • Variations: In the UK, “billiards” may refer to English Billiards, which uses only three balls and lacks pockets. 
  • Snooker: Snooker, although technically billiards, has a specific rule set involving 22 balls and a larger table than conventional pool.